Dr. Radvanszky is a senior scientist (IIa) studying the field of molecular genetics, specifically human molecular genetics and genomics. Studied molecular biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius the University in Bratislava, where he received academic degrees of all three levels (Bc., MSc., RNDr., PhD.). He earned a qualification of a healthcare professional at the Slovak Medical University in Bratislava, with subsequent acquiring of a specialisation in Laboratory and diagnostic methods in clinical genetics. As part of his pedagogical activity at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius the University in Bratislava he is lecturing Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics (as part of the semestral course of Human molecular genetics), Developmental genetics (as part of the semestral course of Evolutionary biology 2) and is/was a consultant of several bachelor, master and doctoral graduation theses. The results of his scientific work led to a co-authorship of a scientific monography, authorship/co-authorship of tens of scientific publications registered by Current Contents Connect and several other publications. He was/is a principal investigator of 4 grants of the Comenius University for young scientists and 2 grants from the national grant agency VEGA, as well as a co-investigator of national grants VEGA, APVV, AV MŠ SR, MZ SR, or an international grant in the scheme of FP7 Health. He is a member of the European Society of Human Genetics, chairman of the Supervisory board of the Slovak Society of Medical Genetics, and of the Working group of Slovak Society of Medical Genetics for elaboration of documents associated with implementation of genomic analyses into the clinical practice in Slovakia. He received awards of the Slovak Society of Medical Genetics for the best publication in the respective year (2x; in 2013 and 2014), the Price of the Literary foundation for scientific literature of the year (2014) in the category of biological and medical sciences and a third place in the annual Contest of young scientists of the SAS in the year 2012. He is a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal NewsLab.