Associated DNA tests

Associated DNA tests are based on the same technology of DNA analysis as paternity testing. Identical technology enables conducting of internationally applicable and comparable analyses focusing on personal DNA profiling, which can then be used for identification of the biological material with respect to diverse life situations. For example, identification of biological materials in case of accidents, kidnapping, murders, disasters etc. or in case of proving or disproving a suspicion of marital infidelity. Associated DNA tests are in our laboratory accredited according to the ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 Standard.

  • Stating of the unique identification genetic profile
    The test is designed for people who are interested in finding out and archiving of their unique genetic profile based on analysis of globally used genetic STR markers. The findings are not only used for one’s own personal awareness but also for the case of potential need to identify biological samples in case of finding bodily remains, or identification of family relations.
  • Test of identity of two samples
    This test is designed for cases when it is necessary to prove the presence of DNA coming from the same or, conversely, different source of biological evidence. This test can be used, e.g. in criminal forensic analyses, or when investigating marital infidelity.
  • Test of uniovularity of twins
    This test can be used to prove the genetic identity of twins.